Monday, May 17, 2021

The Impact of Financial Wellness on Employees

Finances are one of the most common stressors in modern life. They distract us from our family, hobbies, social life, and more. Learning to become financially well benefits people in all areas of their life. As an employee, financial wellness leads to greater engagement, better focus, increased productivity, and overall greater satisfaction. When employees are not stressed about money, they have a greater sense of purpose in the workplace with less distractions. In a recent survey conducted by Lincoln Financial Group, seventy-nine percent of those surveyed said the pandemic has impacted their views of planning financially for their future, while ninety percent said that they want to take action to improve their financial standings over the next three months. Becoming financially well means you are able to meet your current financial obligations in addition to planning and saving for future ones. It means finances are not your biggest concern and you have full control over yours. Our team’s goal is to provide you the tools and knowledge necessary to reach your financial goals and become financially well. To read more about the survey conducted by the Lincoln Financial Group and how financial wellness impacts employees, please visit: US Adults Are Looking to Improve Their Finances.

Written By: Your Financially Fit Employees Team

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