Wednesday, June 23, 2021

How Financial Stress Impact Life At Work

 A recent article from highlights the ways in which financial stress affect's your work life:

1. Limits Productivity: When you are worried about life at home, chances are you have less time and brain power to be focusing on tasks in the workplace.

2. Irritability: Being preoccupied with personal stress leads to anger, irritability, and short tempers.

3. Physical pain: Stress can cause headaches and tension in the neck and shoulders. This inhibits one from being able to properly focus at work.

4. Lack of creativity: Innovation and creativity are at a halt when financial stress preoccupies one's mind.

Combatting employee financial stress is crucial to increase satisfaction, productivity, and engagement in the workplace; this article does a great job of pointing out the ways in which financial stress inhibits employees at work. Working with an organization like ours will allows your employees to stress less financially at work and increase their creativity and overall quality of life.

Written By: Your Financially Fit Employees Team

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