Thursday, January 13, 2022

Boosting Your Company Culture with Manifestation

Lately, lots of popular media has been talking about the power of manifestation. While it may sound unreal, this idea is actually founded in neuroscience and it can benefit your team.

Apple News shared an article that includes interviews with doctors about how manifesting actually works. According to Daniel G. Amen, MD, a clinical neuroscientist and psychiatrist, manifestation is a proven way to help you “match your behavior to your goals.” He shared that “focusing on your goals sparks brain activity, especially in the prefrontal cortex, the region of the brain involved in planning, forethought, and follow-through.” When people focus more on what they’re working toward, their brain subconsciously begins to plan and look for opportunities to be successful. 

In a team environment, having individuals with healthy mindsets bolsters the collective attitude. When people believe they can succeed at your company, they are more likely to find opportunities to make those beliefs a reality. 

Managing your mind is an important step to being successful with any goal. It is more important that leadership positions learn to implement this, than any other position in a company. Not only do you become more open to and aware of opportunities, but you also are more likely to take the right actions when you have a healthy mindset.  Even if a person is doing “all the right things” to reach their goal, their mindset will still affect their results.

Let me give an example:

Say you want to start your own business, and you’re “doing everything right.” By that I mean, you’ve found your suppliers, you hired good people, your product is of good quality, and you made a good marketing plan. Even in this case, if you don’t believe you can be successful or you have doubt about your business, you will subconsciously hint this doubt in every company action. It will be passed from you to your team, and then to your customers, and it will become difficult to make sales. 

If you don’t believe in yourself, you will subconsciously convince others in subtle ways not to believe in you either. This goes for every aspect of life, including your company. 

Working to manifest a healthy mindset about your goals will help you align your actions and intentions to be more effective. Managers learning this will help their team emulate the values they’d like them to have. Teaching it to the whole team will allow every individual to perform better over time. Mindset means everything when it comes to being successful and reaching goals.

Feel free to look at our website or contact us with any questions. Financially Fit is committed to educating individuals about financial wellness and developing healthy teams.

Here to help,
Your Financially Fit Team

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